Wednesday, October 21, 2015


For my final product I have taken the photographs of my friends and have tried to find a golden proportion in their body expression as well as their faces! I edited these images with a drawing program called paint tool sai.








"So what do you know about the Fibonacci sequence, golden ratio, phi and etc?"

Mason: "Absolutely nothing 0%, im guessing its something like symmetry?"
David: "Something in math" 

Ty: "Don't think I've ever heard of it" 
Hannah: "It's used in art a lot!" 
Kassidy: "Fibonacc- What?" 



My original plan was to compare the photographs of my friends faces to things that I have found in nature, but upon further research, it's a lot more complicated than i expected to get accurate results.

I still plan on using the photographs taken of my friends.

In my research, I discovered what would happen if i actually applied Fibonacci to peoples faces and here are the results. Here are some examples on celebrities 

Face it

Nature is absolutely amazing and has designed the structure of our bodies to do many things! Our bodies are relativity symmetrical and balanced!

Upon doing this project, I had no idea that our faces had so much information in them!

Here's a short video showing a program that analyzes the human face with Phi:

The golden ration can be found in many faces! Here are a couple of examples that I found: 


Even in our teeth! 



     In the human face your eyes, mouth, and nose make up the key characteristics that determine the basic golden ratio dimensions from which comparisons can be made! Everyone's face is different, but that makes a beautiful variation!


     There has been many studies on phi and its significance in the human face. A facial surgeon, Dr. Stephen Marquardt has analyzed and studied the human face for years. It is said that through his research he discovered that beauty is not only related to phi but "can be defined for both genders and for all faces, cultures and eras with the Marquardt Beauty Mask". The Marquardt beauty mask is something that he developed, patented and discovered himself.   (

this mask uses a pentagon and decagon for its foundation

Here it is applied to a human face and even some sculptures

Marquardt Beauty Mask - Black, based on phi, the golden ratio Marquardt Beauty Mask - Nefertiti, Egypt, 1350 B.C.Marquardt Beauty Mask - Aspasia, Greek 500 B.C.Marquardt Beauty Mask - Caucasian, based on phi, the golden ratio


Anyone who has a smartphone probably uses the popular app called Snapchat! The most recent update has a very interesting facial recognition feature! Where you simply tap your face in "selfie mode" and a facial recognition pattern will then appear and map your face!

I was going to try and take a screenshot of my face while it was mapping my face, but it happens so fast, so i found an example from online!

Here's a video of someone actually using the app!


I'll start off by saying that beauty is a social construct. Everyone is beautiful. It doesn't matter if your face is or isn't proportional! What I plan on showing you should not change, prove, or encourage how society has evolved to measure someone up. The Fibonacci sequence and phi is an beautiful concept that can be applied to practically anything. If anything, I hope that this will show us that our own faces are works of art! Please enjoy my project.


Here are some links that I will reference in my project:


As we know, nature has plenty of Phi examples. Phi is even found in the human face. So are there any similarities? For my project, I will create a series of photographs comparing the structure of different facial features to things found in nature. I am excited to work on this project to enrich my understanding of this beautiful concept!